Friday, June 18, 2004

911 is all the Republicans fault.

The Republicans failed to use the 1993 WTC bombing to set up a partizan commision to ignore their blame in it and place all blame on the other Party. Actually the 1993 WTC bombing was a completly Democrat Party debacle, so the transfer of blame would have been easy.

The Republicans failed to use a 1993 WTC bombing Commission to politically assasinate Clinton with the failures of every one of his government appointees and employees. I understand that Hillary had battle axed all of the Bush Sr. appointees by 1993, while their were still a number of Clinton appointees working for Bush on 9/11/01.

The Republicans 1993 WTC bombing Commission should have been held during 1996 election year to undermine Clinton’s campaign and get Dole elected. The Democrats have used their commission to also undermine the sitting American President, American Homeland security, our troops in the Middle East and have enboldened the enemy. Damn, their morals and values really shine through here.

The Republicans failed to use the 1993 WTC bombing to unseat Clinton and give America a chance to prevent the African Embassy Bombings, the Cole bombing and 9/11. With Clinton as President, America didn’t have a chance.

The “dirty tricks” Republicans do not stack up to the slimy politics of the Democrats. So, it is all the Republicans fault America did not have a chance to prevent the African Embassy Bombings, the Cole bombing and 9/11.................


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