I live in a State full of Psuedo Liberals!
Not to be confused with the elitist assholes from the coasts and their childishly deviant followers like Charles G. A majority of the Democrat voters still think they are voting for FDR's, JFK's and Humphrey's Party. That Party dies a long time ago and is now lead by fools preaching self-destructive values and anti-American rhetoric.
Dean is a perfect example of today's Democratic leadership and Charles Goatfornicator is a perfect example of a modern rabid foaming at the mouth liberal stormtrooper. Their hate and brainwashing is so deep and foul, they cannot have a discourse without degenerating into disgusting sexual comments filled with hate, lies and accusations.
The Democrats in Minnesota today aren't liberals. They are conservatives that are unionists, hate the rich and want the government to help the poor. They give reasons for voting Democrat like, "I have always vote Democrat!" or "Back in the 20's they made us vote Republican to keep our jobs!". One reason shows a closed mind and the other references in incident 85 years ago.
We have large Somali and Hmong immigrant populations here. I believe they are both generally hard working peoples. They bring and practice cultures which at times clash with the non-immigrant population, but that is not at all unusual. I have cousin who worked on the Kerry campaign and my Mother has a boyfriend who has always voted Democrat. Both say things and hold opinions about these immigrant groups and minorities in general that belie their commitment to the Diversity mantra of their chosen Party. Their blatant racism forces me to defend these minorities from people that claim to support them. Their lily white and sheltered existence has allowed them to become racists, but Pollyannic in their views of the real world.
If most of Minnesota's Democrats really were aware of sewer of ideals the Democratic Party has become they would flee it for the Republican Party. The true Party of the People!
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