Monday, July 12, 2004

The left's blatant racism.

It appears that to the left the color of your skin does matter. How else can you explain the left's position that it was OK for America to step in and topple the Serbian government to save the people of Kosovo, but it was not OK for America to topple Iraq's Sunni government to save the Shia and Kurdish Iraqis. The people of Kosovo are Caucasians and the people of Iraq are Arabs. But of course we had more European support in Kosovo, because we were putting out a fire in their backyard, while in Iraq the Europeans were busy making money selling fuel and matches for the fire there.

The left has also been embracing the Palestinians more and more. Liberals see no distinction between suicide bombings and military raids to reduce these attacks effectiveness. The left seems to think that rock throwing is a legitimate form of protest as well. Rock throwing is rioting and rioters are routinely killed here in the West, Israel is routinely condemned for it. The left's anti-semitism has become PC in America. So PC the left has "Peace" demonstrations where the Palestinian flag is carried by everyone. The flag of murderous thugs is revered and the American flag is disrespected.

The true face of American liberalism is plain as the face of the nearest Democrat.


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