Thursday, January 20, 2005

Iraqi WMDs

The children of America, er, I mean the Left would have you believe the Bush Administration lied about the Iraqi WMDs. The only ones lying are the Left. The Left say the Administration said things they didn’t and then call them liars. Sounds like children to me.

Bush and Company said America needed to remove Saddam from power to end his capability to make WMDs and the threat of his employment of them. BAC never said we would find and destroy stockpiles, though we were prepared to do so. Everyone in the World believed Saddam had WMD stockpiles, but Bush never said we would find and destroy them. The Traitor John "Hanoi" Kerry said Saddam had WMDs and that he was a threat. Now all the Left can remember is words that were NEVER said. Do I hear the children saying, "You Promised!"?

The Coalition of the Willing did what they promised. The threat of Saddam’s WMDs is ended. The WMD threat the World said existed is ended. Some say the "Stockpiles" never existed. Some say the "Stockpiles" were moved to Syria. Some say the "Stockpiles" are buried in the desert. In any case the "Stockpiles" have a limited shelf life and will be rendered inert by time and inappropriate storage. Do I see the children putting fingers in their ears and saying, "La La La La La!"?

What the Left ignores is that regardless of the "Stockpiles" status, Saddam could have recreated them in weeks from the knowledge and ability we know he had. He had already manufactured and used WMDs. The ability of Saddam’s regime to make and use WMDs is a PROVEN fact. Sanctions and inspections will never work to curb non-nuke WMDs. Regardless of how well the sanctions or inspections worked, Saddam could have created a new stockpile within a few months of the end of the inspections. All you need to make WMDs is a modestly equipped lab, a single vial of the biological agent and the knowledge to replicate it. Do I see the children putting fingers in their ears and saying, "La La La La La!"?

The Left in their never ending quest to be unhappy, keep going on their unhappy way putting words in the opposition’s mouth. They ignore the truth, manufacture more lies and then claim to be right. The hate from a child’s mind and view of reality drives the Left. It is a hate of boogiemen and imaginary conspiracies that skews them from the truth. A hate that hides the truth and allows a desired false reality to become the truth. A child’s hatred that finds nothing wrong with a liberal elitist journalist falsely smearing the President of the United States with documents she described as, "fake, but accurate." I know you are, but what am I?


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