Saturday, March 12, 2005

The true face of conservatism

There was one thing that really bothered me about Brandon’s comments. He really believes all Republicans are racist and Homophobic. He also has a very low opinion of southerners. He seems to really believe these opinions are known facts! So why does he have these opinions?

It can’t be because of the things we do. The current administration of a southern Republican has more minority Cabinet and other appointed officials than any other administration. The previous southern Democrat administration had none. The Democrats have claimed to be minority advocates for 40 years, yet their policies have never done the minority populations much good? Why? I believe it is because they do not try to make all Americans feel equal, their policies continue to divide us into groups of unequals. This group gets this benefit because you are a different color than this group over there! What does this do? It makes the benefit group feel like they are entitled to something and the other group feels they are being robbed of something. The groups only exist because of a political policy usually based on race. How does this promote equality and put racism to bed? It doesn’t, it is like putting gas on a fire! It is time for all Americans to reject these socially destructive policies. I believe the Democrats know this, but use these policies to keep their minority voter base.

I have no problem helping the poor! The poor of all races! I’ll save the Constitutional legality of welfare for another post. But if we are going help poor Americans, race should not be part of the equation. Not all minorities are poor and not all whites are rich. Any government policy that uses race to determine whether help is given or what level of help is given should be declared illegal. All government assistance programs should be color blind. How can any person serious about ending racism believe any different?

Similar Democratic tactics are used in the gay marriage debate and issue. Brandon thinks that if you do not endorse gay marriage you have to be homophobic! Republicans know this is bullshit, but the Democrats have a large number of its blind faithful believing it. Generally Republicans do not believe homosexuality is normal or pre-determined. We believe it is a choice and a poor one at that! We do not think that they should be shunned, fired, assaulted nor denied housing. We do not believe the government should bestow the label “Normal” on the homosexuality. Is addiction, alcoholism or any other chosen self destructive behavior “Normal”?

The lies, hatred and misinformation of the Democratic Party and liberal indoctrination is the only explanation to why Brandon holds these completely false assumptions of the ideals and goals of Republicans. His childish notions and utter brainwashed view of the world will hopefully change as he ages. African Americans are abandoning the Democratic Party in record numbers because they have come to realize truly two faced nature of that Party’s politicians.

The Democrat's policies of extending and promoting raci9sm ahve done nothing to make the minorities lives better. Minorities still have the same rates of un-employment, poverty and levels of education thay endured 40 years ago. Any progress the minorities have acheived is inspite of these policies instead of because of them. The Democrats true motive is to divide and conquer! Unity and equality is not in the Democrat’s dictionary!

Republican are a kind, caring and sharing group. We do not give or care based on the color of someones skin, we give based on their need! We wish to see America united as common people not divided into special interest and racial groups. Every American, regardless of skin color, deserve to have the same opportunities to achieve without government interference.

Liberals have needed to demonize others to explain their own failures. Out of necessity the Liberals have painted a false and demonic picture of Republicans. That picture has no basis in fact and We in no way represent it.

Friday, March 11, 2005

A Response to a Liberal Visitor!

Brandon a local Democrat stopped by and very eloquently provided a rebuttal to some of my post. I am going to take up the challenge and continue the debate, for now!

Arab Dominoes are falling. Can you hear them?, I had posted: This is no surprise to me or anybody else that knew that the WMDs were secondary issue, but an important one to bring along the stupid masses of America.

Brandon said: Lying about WMD's and scaring the public is simply unacceptable, period. Your post is so quick to trumpet Republican triumphs (bringing down the Berlin wall and removing Saddam) but you gloss over the WMD issue as if it doesn't matter.

I respond: Who lied? Bush didn’t lie! Kerry didn’t lie! Kennedy didn’t lie and neither did the Clintons! WMDs were either moved, are still there hidden or everyone was mistaken about the stockpiles. NOBODY was mistaken about Saddam’s ability to make and then use WMDs.

Brandon said: The lie that Bush and his administration told was much more serious than Clinton's Monica fiasco and Clinton was impeached... Bush should be impeached as well.

I responded: Clinton committed a FELONY by lying under oath about his sexual harassment and adultery committed in the OVAL office. Bush didn’t lie! You really should read the Iraq War Resolution, WMDs are one of many issues.

Brandon said: The Bush administration didn't just make comments they actually made war (one that many people say was illegal). The Bush administration went to the international forum and lied about WMD's not any US congressman (Democrat or Republican).

I responded: No lie, no foul! Illegal War? We just continued the First Gulf War, Saddam and the USA never signed a Peace Treaty! What ‘international forum”? Just use the two letters that indicate corruption and appeasement...UN! Can we say “Oil for Food Scandal”, “Rwanda” or the “Congo”?

Brandon said: Bush actually did things that he should get impeached for. What did anyone outside of his administration actually do (not just say)?

I responded: What did he do? Or is it just what you think he did or what the DEMons say he did? Everyone else that was conservative supported Bush and the non-supporters obstructed him or maybe I find the whole question absurd!

Diversity? Poor vs Rich?, I had posted: What does Diversity mean? What is it's root? Division, differences and divisiveness? This is not a mistake! The Democrats really on it. By accentuating our differences, they create envy and hate, core values of the Democrats. Without envy and hate, their whole existence would be in question.

Brandon said: You are correct, if there were no envy and hate then there would be no Democrats... only because there would be no need for them as there would be no Republicans. We all know the Republican Party is generally the homophobic party, there's no point in trying to deny that. Note: I'm not saying that all Republicans are homophobic.IIRC Lyndon Johnson said the South would continue to vote Republican, no matter how much their economic policies drove them deeper into debt, because of the race issue. Interestingly enough, the absolute poorest states in the union (all in the South BTW) voted Republican.

I respond: We have a two party system, so regardless of the issues there will always be two Parties. You seem to imply that the Hate and Envy is the fault of the Republican, while I contend that the Hate and Envy is fostered and created by the Democrats to justify their existence, to further their agenda and to ensure their voter base remains Democrats. Instead of celebrating the commonalities of the differing races and bringing them closer together like the Republicans advocate, the Democrats create and drive wedges between us. To Republicans, a poor minority child is no needier than a poor white child, but to the Democrats there is a difference and it is race.

Brandon said: For you to say that Democrats feed on envy and hate is simply ridiculous considering how much Republicans in many parts of the country absolutely fear any kind of influence from the coasts (a.k.a liberal influence). Not only that, because it's one thing to not want any outside influences in your own community, but many right-wingers don't want anyone, anywhere, to accept things that right wingers typically hate.

I responded: Republicans have seen the damage done to American society by the Liberals of the coasts. With the Liberals, morals, ethics and values take a back seat to personal desires and depravity. It seems with the coastal morons, the more depraved the desire the better. Democrats promote and feed on envy and hate, to keep minorities in their camp. Democrats use minorities to maintain power, while the “Evil” Republican treat minorities as equals and join with them to make America better place, (Rice, Powell, Gonzales and hundreds more). Ask yourself, How many minorities held cabinet positions in Clinton’s administration? None, Zero, Zilch.

Brandon said: Take for instance the gay marriage issue. While both Bush and Kerry are against it, only Bush wants a national ban on it. Bush's national ban basically let's the large amount of people in the heartland and the south decide what goes on in California (or other places). Even if every single person in California voted for gay marriage, it would be in vein because people in places like Alabama are homophobic and scared shitless that it'll encourage people to be gay (particularly their own sons and daughters) if gay people are allowed to marry. That's hate mongering and right-wingers are notorious for it to deny that simply damages your credibility.

I responded: Homosexuality is a disease much like alcoholism and other addictions. It is a choice and it is NOT normal. No one has every proven a Gay is born that way, no one! This Gay Marriage thing is a bid to be labeled “Normal” during the distraction of a War. Not only is that deceitful it is un-American. Homosexuals have been offered the Civil Union for years and it bestows everything a marriage does except the label of normal. Your ideas of why most people oppose Gay Marriages are indications of the level of Democratic/Liberal/College dogma you have absorbed as truth.

Brandon said: That's hate mongering and right-wingers are notorious for it to deny that simply damages your credibility.

I responded: I had to respond to this Bullshit separately. The hate you feel is your own. Conservatives give more to charity, volunteer more, attend religious services more and love their fellow man more than you will ever know as a liberal! Conservatives respond to the Left’s rabid hatred with civility and maturity. A striking example is the difference in the behavior of the Liberal protestors at the RNC and the Conservative protestors at the DNC. Your ideology has No credibility and you are in denial of the true nature of the Left!

Brandon said: You can talk about Democrats feeding on envy and hate but it's really easy to see that all the bible belt fanatics, KKK, Neo-Nazi, Aryan Nation (sp?), and Anti-Semitic groups in this country supported Bush-- think about that.

I responded: You spit out, “bible belt fanatics” like they are terrorists! Then you speak of the “KKK, Neo-Nazi, Aryan Nation (sp?), and Anti-Semitic groups” in the same breath and as if these group have large numbers and actually influence the Republican Party. Are you really that delusional? For those groups, ‘their enemy’s enemy is their friend’. The Republican Party rejects these groups and their ideals.

However the Democratic Party embraces, Anarchists, Communists, Socialists, Nihilists, Eco-Terrorists, Satanists, Racists(Anti-Free trade for example) and Anti-American groups of every stripe. They are all one big tent!

The Republican Party is THE biggest supporter of Israel. Democrats/Liberals support the PLO. So who is an anti-Semite? Who is deluding themselves? Indy Media has members that openly support the Palestinians and they hold rallies and vigils all over the country to show that support. Not one of those people voted for Bush! Not one! American liberal’s biggest heroes; the Socialist Europeans have once again made anti-Semitism in-vogue, a political fact and a political asset. The “KKK, Neo-Nazi, Aryan Nation (sp?), and Anti-Semitic groups” are fringe groups that have never been courted by the Republicans. The Democrats have courted and continue to court groups, like the members of the Indy Media, and by doing so have endorsed main stream liberal anti-Semitism.

I had posted: So you have to ask yourself what the rich Democrats that populate the Congress, like Kennedy, Kerry, Dayton and Edwards get by serving in public office? Supposedly promoting causes that in effect depletes their own wealth. It sure isn't to help the poor and disadvantaged! Their wealth is protected in shelters and loop holes they have created in the tax system they have created. The only people taxed are those earning income and without enough wealth to protect that income. Kennedy, Kerry, Dayton and Edwards do not pay taxes, they are too rich to pay taxes.

Brandon said: A stroll past wouldn't hurt you once and a while.

I responded: Do you mean I might as well get my info from the DNC! The site is funded by George “Heroin” Soros and staffed by liberal hacks!

Brandon said: If you remember back to the elections you'll come across Kerry and Edwards wanting to increase taxes for the rich by repealing Bush's tax cut for the rich. Again, this is just you being selectively blind. Bush gave the rich the gigantic tax cut and when Kerry threatened to take it away from just the rich (people who make more than 200,000 per year), it was Bush trying to deceive the whole American public into thinking Kerry was going to take away everyone's tax cut.

I responded: Kerry and Edwards have already made sure that they can hide assets, use shelters and other means to protect their money from any cut or rise in taxes. Besides the fact that income taxes are illegal according to the Constitution, taxing anybody at a higher rate for any reason is discrimination, so it is also illegal. I am not a rich person and I didn’t get a tax cut. But those I know that got their taxes cut work hard for their money. I resent you liberals for thinking that you have a right to tax anybody at a different rate than you would apply to everyone. The guy making $200,000 doesn’t make enough money to hide and cheat to protect his money like Edwards and Kerry can and do!

I had posted: The Democrats in Minnesota today aren't liberals. They are conservatives that are unionists, hate the rich and want the government to help the poor. They give reasons for voting Democrat like, "I have always vote Democrat!" or "Back in the 20's they made us vote Republican to keep our jobs!". One reason shows a closed mind and the other references in incident 85 years ago.

Brandon said: I live in Bloomington, MN and I've heard a lot of people (both Democrat and Republican) say they vote the way they do because they or their family has always done so but I have never ever heard anyone mention anything in the 20's. I'm not sure what 3 people you surveyed but that is hardly a popular reason for voting democrat in MN.

I responded: I am not sure what to say, except to reiterate that I think most Minnesota Democrats are hypocrites. Not every Republican is smart and open minded, but no Democrat is smart and open minded. If they were they would be a Republican!

I had posted: If most of Minnesota's Democrats really were aware of sewer of ideals the Democratic Party has become they would flee it for the Republican Party. The true Party of the People!

Brandon said: Your logic is failing here. Let's say that Minnesota Democrats found out that Kerry, Edwards, and all the other Democrats were actually closet racists. Then why would they flee to a party that they already know is full of racists, hate mongers, and homophobes (the Republicans)? That would be like trading one demon for another. If anything, people would head to other liberal parties.

I responded: You have a foolish and ignorant idea of what the Republicans are and stand for. I know the Democrats are the real Party full of racists, hate mongers, and homophobes. I see it in their propaganda and on their websites. The Republicans I know are warm, religious, kind people that love their country. The Republican Party reflects that! We do NOT believe the government should be the answer to all of life’s problems and that a person is responsible for their own happiness! We will always freely help the disabled, but expect the able to take care of themselves.

"Hate" by pntblank, I had posted: You all like that crap, so why don't you all go to Sweden or France or anywhere they have socialism already going strong and bankrupting the country. None of you can see the danger in that kind of government and it proves just how stupid you really are.

Brandon said: That's one of the dumbest comments I've ever heard. Saying Socialism is dangerous because it's bankrupting France and Sweden is akin to saying Capitalism is dangerous because it bankrupted Argentina, Brazil, and Guatemala.

I responded: Socialism is the antithesis of Capitalism. Capitalism is what made this country great. We were great before FDR, the New Deal, Social Security and Welfare. None of this stuff made us great, it is Socialism and has in fact reduced our potential. Socialism is dangerous because it attacks Capitalism, excellence, opportunity and achievement. Socialism endorses mediocrity, lowest common denominator and dumbing down. Socialism is nothing short of Communism Lite. I have yet to investigate Brandon’s claims that Capitalism alone, bankrupted Argentina, Brazil, and Guatemala. I suspect I will find rampant corruption and greed at the heart of their downfall.

What has this exercise shown me? Well, nothing! That’s not really true. Like most Liberals, Brandon is steeped and brewed heavily in the lies and misinformation liberals use to hide their true ideals and goals. Brandon has allowed himself to be sucked into their view of the world as an evil place full of bad people. Brandon’s age has some part in this, but I know elderly liberals living fat and happy that also have this demented view of the world.

I, and most conservatives, have a much more hopeful view of the world and people in general. We know people generally want to do the right thing. We trust that the good people will outweigh the evil, and that good will prevail over evil. Conservatives, know you have to stand up to and fight some things. We also think a person should strive to be better and succeed on their own merits and not be handed opportunities based on race, creed, religion or any other reason not applicable to all Americans.

I have hope, Brandon. Hope for a better world. Hope for a more color blind world. Hope for a more freer world. Hope for a more peaceful world.

Brandon, you live in a world full of envy and desire. A world full of lies and fear. You accept this world because it is what you want to hear and you feel better because you hear it! Your failures are not your fault, some evil person has made you fail. Your problems are caused by others, not you. You liberals have created a fall guy, demonized him to be forever your enemy and your nemesis. That fall guy is me and every other conservative. I will not wear your label. It is not me!

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Censoring Comments!

I hated having to do this, but the comments left by some visiters to this site were disgusting and completely without any substance. Whatever their point is, they can leave a socialable comment or I will delete it again.

Express your hate or your rage and even your groundless and demented accusations, but not in the disgusting manner you have used!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Arab Dominoes are falling. Can you hear them?

Back in the 80's when Reagan was demonizing the USSR and escalating the arms race, the European leaders and the American Democrats said Reagan was dangerously pushing the USSR into WWIII. Instead the Berlin Wall fell and the Democrats either denied Reagan's success or jumped on the bandwagon.

After 9/11, when Bush wanted to remove Saddam and shake up the Middle East, the European leaders and the American Democrats said Bush was dangerously pushing the Islamo-fascists into escalating their terrorism. Instead the terrorists have not been able to attack the American homeland and ordinary Arabs are calling for Democratic changes in their countries.

This is no surprise to me or anybody else that knew that the WMDs were secondary issue, but an important one to bring along the stupid masses of America. Those masses of idiots are the ones who voted for John "Hanoi" Kerry, the candidate of the Party of Communists and Traitors! The real reason was to inject democracy into a place that has never had it.

Arabs are voting and protesting to change the face of the Middle East. It will change the face of Islam too. It cannot be avoided and that is why Islamo-fascists and Islamic-fundamentalists are blowing people up! Their grip over the flock will slip as the flock attains freedom. So much for the Party of appeasers and apologists. So much for maintaining the status quo. So much for the terrorist breeding ground. Once again, as we have so many times in the past, we have proven ourselves right and the Democrats wrong!


Diversity? Poor vs Rich?

What does Diversity mean? What is it's root? Division, differences and divisiveness? This is not a mistake! The Democrats really on it. By accentuating our differences, they create envy and hate, cor values of the Democrats. Without envy and hate, their whole existance would be in question.

Republican's would rather believe in Unity. This value is vilified and attacked by Liberals as if conformity is a bad thing. Well, for them it is. Unity celibrates our commoness, the qualities we all possess, not our differences. Those differences are fine and should be celebrated within your family or ethnic group, but forcing society as a whole to "celebrate" those differences is folly.

I believe the Democrats have no interest in helping minorities or the poor in acheiving a better life or even in acknowledging it when they do. If a poor man becomes self sufficient, the Democrats say everyone should be middle class. If a self sufficient man becomes middle class, the Democrats say everyone should be even richer. Nobody ever has enough wealth, except the evil rich guy who in LibLore is always a Republican and runs an evil corporate empire. The Democrats have no interest in ending poverty or class warfare. If it ended, they might lose a lot of their core voter base.

So you have to ask yourself what the rich Democrats that populate the Congress, like Kennedy, Kerry, Dayton and Edwards get by serving in public office? Supposedly promoting causes that ineffect depletes their own wealth. It sure isn't to help the poor and disadvantaged! Their wealth is protected in shelters and loop holes they have created in the tax system they have created. The only people taxed are those earning income and without enough wealth to protect that income. Kennedy, Kerry, Dayton and Edwards do not pay taxes, they are too rich to pay taxes. So what do these rich white guys get? Power, prestige, notoriety, the ability to write laws to protect their wealth and the ability promote their ideas. Anybody that believes that they are actually thought of when these rich Democrats prepare to vote or vote on legislation is a fool.

I live in a State full of Psuedo Liberals!

Not to be confused with the elitist assholes from the coasts and their childishly deviant followers like Charles G. A majority of the Democrat voters still think they are voting for FDR's, JFK's and Humphrey's Party. That Party dies a long time ago and is now lead by fools preaching self-destructive values and anti-American rhetoric.

Dean is a perfect example of today's Democratic leadership and Charles Goatfornicator is a perfect example of a modern rabid foaming at the mouth liberal stormtrooper. Their hate and brainwashing is so deep and foul, they cannot have a discourse without degenerating into disgusting sexual comments filled with hate, lies and accusations.

The Democrats in Minnesota today aren't liberals. They are conservatives that are unionists, hate the rich and want the government to help the poor. They give reasons for voting Democrat like, "I have always vote Democrat!" or "Back in the 20's they made us vote Republican to keep our jobs!". One reason shows a closed mind and the other references in incident 85 years ago.

We have large Somali and Hmong immigrant populations here. I believe they are both generally hard working peoples. They bring and practice cultures which at times clash with the non-immigrant population, but that is not at all unusual. I have cousin who worked on the Kerry campaign and my Mother has a boyfriend who has always voted Democrat. Both say things and hold opinions about these immigrant groups and minorities in general that belie their commitment to the Diversity mantra of their chosen Party. Their blatant racism forces me to defend these minorities from people that claim to support them. Their lily white and sheltered existence has allowed them to become racists, but Pollyannic in their views of the real world.

If most of Minnesota's Democrats really were aware of sewer of ideals the Democratic Party has become they would flee it for the Republican Party. The true Party of the People!