"Hate" by pntblank
I found this post at Military.com . The string was a started by a Conservative and it was complaining about the damage being done to America by Liberals. Of course, the first response was from a liberal(closet) complaining that the first post was hatefilled.
This post got my interest because it was blunt, "pointblank" and sounds like me.
I have been around a long time. Long enough to hate the Nazis, long enough to hate the communists long enough to hate the liberals and their urge todestroy this country. I also hate the unions, I belonged to five unions in my lifetime and everyone of them had officers that were thieves. Hate is what keeps me going.
You fucken socialists are steadily losing our freedoms for us and the sad part is that you don't know you are doing it. Are you all as stupid as you sound and write. You want to negotiate with madmen that are sworn to kill all of us. I suggest you make up a large committee of leftists to negotiate with the muslims and I bet you can't get three of you cowards to join the committee. You are always ready and willing to trade some of our freedom for promises from bastards that you already know won't keep their word. You are all a bunch of weak minded and spineless Social misfits who want queer marriage welfare for all, free medical for everyone, pensions of more money than you made when and if you worked. You all like that crap, so why don't you all go to Sweden or France or anywhere they have socialism already going strong and bankrupting the country. None of you can see the danger in that kind of government and it proves just how stupid you really are.
That Berlin guy is an excellent example. He says he was a 1st Lt. but he hasn't got the sense to pour piss out of a boot with the instructions on the heel. And Kit is a closet liberal that tries to con us into believing he is sort of conservative. It’s BS.
Yes I do HATE you leftist socialist liberals for the damage you have done to my country. I hate you more than I hated the Nazis, because they were at least fighting for their country and you pussywillows want to tear our country down. He who won't defend or fight for his freedom does not deserve to be free and shouldn't expect another man to defend him because he does not deserve to live as a free man. You try your best to elect traitors like clinton and kerry and wimps like johnson, carter and not one of them is worth a hand full of the peanut vendors wares. I will get a lot of flack for this post and most of it will not make sense because we must consider the source. As our president said. Bring it on, a Phrase that the leftist demos thought was terrible because it might upset some other country. Well, tough shit. A country must have backbone too which is more than I can say for the spine-less leftwing assholes.
I did run it through a spell checker and minor punctuation, but this is it. There are references to other posters, but that doesn't ruin it.
This guy is mad. He is as mad as I am and as mad as you should be! Liberals are not the only people allowed to HATE!
I am not alone... I have not gone off the deep end... Someone else sees the same Liberal damage to America that I see. Thanks PB